Same Property Rule

What is ‘Same Property Rule’

A regulation relating to IRA rollovers stipulating that whenever a financial asset is withdrawn from a retirement account or IRA (for the purpose of funding a new IRA, for example), it must be rolled over into the same property (or format) of an IRA. Unless the party involved is over 59.5 years of age, failure to comply with this rule will result in the IRS taxing the withdrawn asset as ordinary income.

Explaining ‘Same Property Rule’

Suppose George, a 50-year-old male, decided to buy some shares with money from his IRA account. After, he decides to place the shares in a new IRA in order to defer taxes. Since his withdrawal asset changed properties (it changed from cash to shares) during the rollover and he is under 59.5, he will end up owing tax on the withdrawn amount at a rate that equals his normal income tax rate and also incur a 10% penalty.

Same Property Rule FAQ

What are examples of property rights?

Property rights ownership can be extended by use of patents and copyrights to protect: Scarce physical resources such as houses, cars, books, and cellphones.Non-human creatures like dogs, cats, horses or birds.Intellectual property such as inventions, ideas, or words.

What role do property rights play in economy?

The main purpose and accomplishment of property rights is they eliminate destructive competition to control economic resources. Well-defined and well-protected property rights replace competition by violence with competition by peaceful means.

Why is property rights important?

Secure property rights make it possible for landowners to travel from their land for employment, and let their land work for them. Property rights formalization is often linked with economic prosperity.

What are the characteristics of property rights?

The three characteristics of an efficient structure of property rights are: exclusivity (all the costs and benefits from owning a resource should accrue to the owner), transferability (all property rights should be transferable from one owner to another in a voluntary exchange) and enforceability.

Why are property rights important for economic growth?

Stronger private property rights system makes the economy better at efficiently allocating resources and expanding wealth creating opportunities. A private property system gives individuals exclusive right to use their resources as they see fit and to voluntarily transfer them.

Why are property rights so important for markets?

The main purpose and accomplishment of property rights is they eliminate destructive competition to control economic resources. Well-defined and well-protected property rights replace competition by violence with competition by peaceful means.

What is the purpose of property rights?

Individuals in positions of political or cultural power enforce ownership. Property rights give the owner or right holder the ability to do with the property what they choose, which could be holding on to it, selling or renting it out for profit, or transferring it to another party.

Further Reading