Tax Break


A tax break is any thing that allows you to avoid paying taxes, such as a tax exemption, a tax deduction, or a tax credit. It is also used in the United States to refer to tax treatment that is beneficial to any certain group of people.

What is a ‘Tax Break’

A tax break is a reduction in the amount of tax owed by a taxpayer. Tax breaks, such as tax deductions, tax credits, tax exemptions, and other incentives, allow you to save money on your taxes. The First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit, which gave a tax credit of up to $8,000 for qualifying buyers of main homes on their 2009 and 2010 tax returns, is an example of a tax cut.

Explaining ‘Tax Break’

When it comes to taxation, tax incentives may significantly lower a taxpayer’s payment. Expenses that can be deducted from gross income in order to reduce taxable income are known as deductions; credits, on the other hand, reduce tax liability dollar-for-dollar and have a greater impact than deductions; and exemptions are instances in which a tax on a specific item or type of income is reduced or eliminated.

Tax Break FAQ

What's another word for tax break?

Other phrases include tax deduction, tax write-off, deduction.

What do tax breaks do?

A tax break is a decrease in the total amount of taxes owed by a taxpayer. Tax benefits are the outcome of changes in tax legislation. It is possible to lower your taxable income by taking a tax deduction from your taxable income. Using a tax credit, a taxpayer may reduce his or her tax due on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

Do you get a bigger tax refund if you make less money?

Tax refunds are obtained as a consequence of an overpayment of the due taxes. Employers withhold a part of workers' wages from their paychecks in order to pay the taxes owed to the Internal Revenue Service. Depending on your income, you may be eligible for a higher tax refund if you earn less money today than you did in the past.

Further Reading

    • Taxation, money, and credit, in a liberalizing socialist economy – [PDF]
    • Jobs, productivity, and local economic development: What implications does economic research have for the role of government? – [PDF]
    • Fiscal psychology: A new branch of public finance – [PDF]
    • Investment, financing decisions, and tax policy – [PDF]
    • Financing property’s contribution to regeneration – [PDF]
    • Lost in translation: Detecting tax shelter activity in financial statements – [PDF]